Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
68000CC.ZIP | Yes | 84308 | 10/15/1993 | 68000 C Compiler is an optimizing C compiler for the Motorola 68000 processor and is meant for educational purposes. (Matthew Brandt) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
ARCADE.ZIP | Yes | 386108 | 9/2/1993 | Programming Arcade Games is an interactive tutorial for programming object oriented arcade games in Turbo C. (David Conger) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
ASE.ZIP | Yes | 17039 | 8/6/1989 | Arithmetic String Evaluator 1.0 is a procedure library that converts a string expression to a value. (TriSoft) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
AWKLIB.ZIP | Yes | 9460 | 10/14/1993 | AwkLib 1.0 C source code for a set of AWK-like regular expression matching routines. (Jim Mischel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BANNERC.ZIP | Yes | 3024 | 10/16/1993 | Banner for C is a C routine which writes 10x10 block characters. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BARBI.ZIP | Yes | 50296 | 11/29/1994 | BarBi 1.3 is a library of barcode generation routines for use within your C applications. (DataLab Software GmbH) (Reg.Fee: $299) |
BINTOOBJ.ZIP | Yes | 5889 | 6/30/1994 | BinToOBJ is a binary-to-OBJ converter. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BITSTR.ZIP | Yes | 4877 | 10/16/1993 | BitStr 1.2 is a set of routines for storing an array of boolean values in minimum space. (Erik Mavrinac) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BNCE_RA.ZIP | Yes | 13248 | 4/4/1989 | Bounce is C source code (and the .EXE) for a bouncing block program with a shoot'em-up feature. (Ron Abramson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BOSS.ZIP | Yes | 491550 | 10/21/1994 | Window Boss 8.02 is a powerful window manager for C. (Philip A Mongelluzzo) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $55) |
BPT20.ZIP | Yes | 147592 | 11/10/1994 | Banana Programming Toolbox 2.0 is a collection of C++ classes and functions to simplify using advanced data structures. (Banana Programming) (Reg.Fee: $65) |
BRUTE.ZIP | Yes | 5951 | 6/7/1991 | Brute Force is an algorithm for searching text within binary files or text files. (Dave Smith) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BSTR20.ZIP | Yes | 59392 | 4/11/1995 | BString 2.0 makes the powerful string functions in BASIC available to C and C++. (TechniLib Company) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CALLBK.ZIP | Yes | 10774 | 2/8/1995 | C++ Callback Functor Library 1.0 is library of C++ routines to provide a general purpose mechanism for inter-component callbacks. (Rich Hickey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CBLASTR.ZIP | Yes | 14834 | 7/23/1992 | C-Blaster 1.0 lets you add AdLib/Sound Blaster compatible sounds and music to your apps. (Pop Software) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
CJDATES.ZIP | Yes | 50939 | 7/26/1991 | Crazy Jack's Date Routines are date routines that make it easy to determine the number of days between dates, find the day of the week of a date, convert between Gregorian and Julian dates, sort on dates, and to check the validity of given dates. (Crazy Jack) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CLASIC.ZIP | Yes | 532983 | 10/13/1993 | Clasic is a C/2 compatible compiler written in assembly language over a three-year period by graduate students working under a Federal grant. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CLIP.ZIP | Yes | 4801 | 5/25/1994 | Clipboard Utility 1.0 contains the C and assembly source code for a clipboard manipulation library and utility program. (David B. Symolon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CM.ZIP | Yes | 249200 | 9/29/1994 | Compendium Containers 1.1 is a library of object based and template based container classes for Borland C++. (Glenn M. Poorman) (Reg.Fee: $60) |
CODEBRK.ZIP | Yes | 26675 | 6/7/1991 | Code Breaker II is the source code and bitmap files for a MasterMind type game for Windows. (Kenneth Fogel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COMP_JCM.ZIP | Yes | 6258 | 1/19/1994 | Compress (JCM) 1.0 is a pair of C routines for compressing and decompressing GIF files. (Jeffrey C. Moxon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CSLIB16B.ZIP | Yes | 796416 | 4/20/1995 | CS-libraries 1.6.b is a set of Borland C++ classes for creating databases within applications. (Theo van den Bout) (Reg.Fee: $125) |
CYBEDIT.ZIP | Yes | 82139 | 5/11/1994 | Turbo Vision Cybertools - C 1.1 is a pair of tools for use with TurboVision. (Steve Goldsmith) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
DATE_AG.ZIP | Yes | 36193 | 6/24/1993 | Dates (for C) is source for almost anything you could want to do concerning dates, including generating a calendar. (Al Gifford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DATE50.ZIP | Yes | 55671 | 1/5/1995 | Killer Date Class 5.0 is a full-function date class, including a full set of overloaded operators for addition, subtraction and comparison of date objects; an overloaded operator with a variety of print formats and options, and constructors to create date objects from a variety of source formats. (Charles D. and others Price) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DATEAX.ZIP | Yes | 42760 | 1/5/1995 | Date Class v5.0 Auxillary Files 1.0 is a set of auxillary files for the Killer Date Class program. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DATEDEM.ZIP | Yes | 14692 | 3/11/1989 | DateDemo is a set of date handling routines for C. (Gerald Rohr) (Reg.Fee: $0,) |
DATELIB.ZIP | Yes | 42916 | 3/27/1992 | DateLib are date and time manipulations in C. (Klaus Rath) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DECK.ZIP | Yes | 3458 | 7/21/1991 | Deck 1.0 is a C++ class that contains basic card handling routines for card games. (Paul D'Ascensio) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DEMOSRT.ZIP | Yes | 51705 | 10/16/1993 | DemoSort includes C source for a dozen sort algorithms with a program that lets you compare them. (Les Hancock) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIALOG.ZIP | Yes | 417016 | 11/3/1993 | DialogPro is a professional level "dialog box" system for C programmers. (Kenneth Stott) (Reg.Fee: $50-$200) |
DLGD46.ZIP | Yes | 266913 | 11/10/1994 | Dialog Design 4.6 assists programmers in creating and editing dialog controls. (David Baldwin) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
EAN13P.ZIP | Yes | 32789 | 6/29/1994 | PCL Bar Code Library 1.0 is a library for printing high quality barcodes with any HPLJ compatible printer that accepts downloaded fonts. (Symbolnology Labs, Inc) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
EDUTIL.ZIP | Yes | 89959 | 3/11/1994 | EdUtils 1.0 is a set of editor utilities for Turbo C. (Kenneth J. Macke) (Reg.Fee: $15-35) |
FIELDS.ZIP | Yes | 2227 | 1/12/1994 | Fields 4.2 is a WordPefect fields utility that will help you remember which fields are which when creating your primary file while doing mail-merge in WordPerfect. (User Friendly, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FILARRY.ZIP | Yes | 27286 | 4/16/1993 | FileArray lets you remove literal strings from C++ source file and put them into a text file to save program memory. (Jian Hua) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FLXLSTC.ZIP | Yes | 54065 | 7/12/1992 | FlexList for ANSI C provides a generic linked list of hybrid stack-queue-list array structure. (Power SoftWare) (Reg.Fee: $65) |
FSORT.ZIP | Yes | 12757 | 2/1/1990 | FSort 1.0 can sort files of any size, optionally removing duplicate lines. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
GCLASS.ZIP | Yes | 10528 | 11/2/1993 | GClass 1.0 is a C++ class for performing regular expression searches. (Garry J. Vass) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GCONIO.ZIP | Yes | 7942 | 3/30/1991 | GraphicsConsole is a graphics-based input routine. (John W. Small) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GCSTRING.ZIP | Yes | 9322 | 10/16/1993 | GCString is a string class which demonstrates methods of garbage collection and class-specific memory allocation. (William Herrera) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GETNOTES.ZIP | Yes | 1590 | 5/25/1994 | GetNotes 1.0 writes the project notes from a BC++ 3.1 or TC++ 3.0 project to a separate text file. (EDJ) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GETPCX.ZIP | Yes | 10345 | 8/10/1994 | GetPCX returns the header information on a PCX file. (D. Gannon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GIFCOM.ZIP | Yes | 8541 | 1/20/1995 | GIFCOM are file compression/expansion routines from GIF utilities. (Jeffrey C. Moxon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GLOBBER.ZIP | Yes | 23109 | 3/12/1991 | Globber 1.10 is an expression parser which could be used for search routines and wildcard filename interpretation. (J. Kercheval) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GOGAME.ZIP | Yes | 115532 | 12/9/1993 | GoGame is based on the ancient board game GO. (TMW Co.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
GR_INP.ZIP | Yes | 2998 | 10/16/1993 | Gr-Inp provides sample code for how to get user input when in graphics mode. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GRUNDA.ZIP | Yes | 13918 | 5/31/1991 | Grunda 1.0 is the source code for a game in which a robot has gone mad. (Joe Walsh) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GUTS.ZIP | Yes | 7113 | 4/25/1994 | Guts Poker 1.0 is the C++ source code for a poker game allowing up to five computer opponents. (Harlan Marshall) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HIM.ZIP | Yes | 192148 | 10/16/1993 | The Human Interface Manager is a library of more than 230 functions and macros designed for use with Turbo C. (Allsoft Computer Products) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $89) |
HSORT.ZIP | Yes | 4698 | 10/16/1993 | HSort is an implementation of the heap sort algorithm. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HZIP.ZIP | Yes | 33073 | 1/8/1991 | HZip is C++ source for a file compressor using optimal limited-length Huffman codes. (Arizona Software) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
I3D.ZIP | Yes | 584584 | 5/10/1994 | Interactive 3D Toolkit 2.0 helps create interactive 3D programs in C for DOS or Windows. (Jim O'Keane) (Reg.Fee: $200) |
INPUTS.ZIP | Yes | 30919 | 10/16/1993 | Inputs is a set of functions which emulate Clipper's input functions for character, numeric, date, and logical field input, but with more functionality. (LPC Software) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
INT32.ZIP | Yes | 5598 | 7/28/1994 | Interrupt 32-Bit PowerPack contains a library and source code to allow developers to use 16-bit style C/C++ interrupt functions in 32-bit mode. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
JETRK5.ZIP | Yes | 5386 | 4/15/1994 | Jetrek 5 in C 1.0 is the C source code for a two player game in which the players try to obliterate one another. (Mark Overbaugh) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
JULDAY.C | No | 3512 | 10/18/1989 | Julian Day 1089 is C code for computing Julian Days. (Brian and Perry, J. Kessel) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
KEYLIB.ZIP | Yes | 16383 | 8/10/1994 | Selective Keyboard Handler 1.01 is a set of library routines for getting keystrokes from the user. (Douglas Peterson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
KWIKSORT.C | No | 5261 | 10/16/1992 | KwikSort is an animated demo of the Quicksort algorithm. (Gary Blaine) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LDBIND.ZIP | Yes | 75235 | 10/17/1993 | Loose Data Binder is a C++ persistent container class with a stack-queue-deque-list-array interface and built-in sort-search-iterate functions. (John W. Small) (Reg.Fee: $30-$40) |
LDS_11.ZIP | Yes | 96551 | 11/2/1993 | LDS 1.1 is C source code for a variety of compression methods, including AR002, LZW, COMP, ASH, FIN, HUF, LZ, SPLAY, and LZRW1. (Nico E. de Vries) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LIB_DOS.ZIP | Yes | 16787 | 5/26/1991 | LIB_DOS is an indexing library for MSC and DOS. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
LINKLI.ZIP | Yes | 7025 | 1/18/1993 | Linklist contains code that implements a linked-list algorithm using standard technique. (SpeedSOFT Development) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LINKLIST.ZIP | Yes | 35017 | 11/12/1993 | LinkList 1.0 is a graphical explanation of link lists and pointers, and their usage in C programming. (Steve Schustack) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LLIST.ZIP | Yes | 46767 | 12/13/1993 | LiinkedList 5.0 is a linked list manager, written in C, which solves the general problem of how to organize odd pieces of data held anywhere in memory. (Lee Malone) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
LOOKING.ZIP | Yes | 2759 | 5/26/1991 | Looking contains documented source code for a file search utility. (Dave Smith) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LZPIPE.ZIP | Yes | 68392 | 6/3/1994 | LzPipe is a C library to create or read compressed files. (Tim V. Shaporev) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LZW4C14.ZIP | Yes | 37868 | 5/3/1995 | Data Compression Library for C/C++ 1.4 is a data compression library for C programmers which uses the LZW algorithm. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
MASTER.ZIP | Yes | 19106 | 8/23/1994 | Master Mind Source contains the C++ source code for the game MasterMind. (Don Spady) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MC313PC.ZIP | Yes | 497805 | 5/17/1995 | Micro C Compiler 3.13 is a C compiler which generates small executables. (Dave Dunfield) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MDATES.ZIP | Yes | 6906 | 3/24/1994 | MDates 1.0 is a C++ date class for various date oriented routines. (Matthew Rhoades) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MERGEC.ZIP | Yes | 14080 | 7/4/1989 | MergeC is a utility that combines the Borland Turbo C source with Assembler source code generated when using the "-S" switch of the Turbo C compiler. (Rick Kamp) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
METAPHN.ZIP | Yes | 4702 | 6/11/1991 | Metaphon is a "fuzzy" string search algorithm that is an alternative to (and claims to be better than) Soundex. (Gary Parker) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MGSPELL.ZIP | Yes | 222449 | 4/14/1991 | mgSPELL for DOS 1.4 is a set of Turbo C compatible routines that enable easy addition of spell checking capabilities to existing C programs. (Jeff Heaton) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
MIRACLE.ZIP | Yes | 143649 | 10/18/1993 | Miracle C Compiler 1.5 is a C compiler for a 386 or better. (T. Szocik) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
MTHRD25.ZIP | Yes | 27689 | 4/19/1995 | MicroThread 2.5 is a minimal Turbo C multi-threading library for DOS programs. (I. H. Ting) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MULT_FP.ZIP | Yes | 151298 | 10/17/1993 | Multiple Field Processor is a library of data entry tools for MS C. (Pride Software Advancement Cor) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
MUSICBOX.ZIP | Yes | 273408 | 11/17/1994 | The Musicbox 1.0 allows programmers to create and add music files to their applications. (Jeffrey Fullerton) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
MUSICIO.ZIP | Yes | 2395 | 10/16/1993 | MusicIO is a set of procedures and a function for generating music on the Ad Lib Music Card from a C program. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
NEWGETCH.C | No | 2387 | 10/1/1991 | NewGetch is a replacement for the getch() function. (RWR Consulting) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NILD.ZIP | Yes | 6727 | 8/29/1992 | Numeric Input Line Demo shows how to get TInputLine to accept numeric input only. (James H. Price) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NJSDK.ZIP | Yes | 1024643 | 3/8/1994 | NJSDK 3.0 is a C library based on NJStar Chinese word processor 3.0. (Hongbo Data Systems) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
NPOS52.ZIP | Yes | 4340 | 5/4/1994 | NTXPOS.C 1.0 is a C function which will return the index handle for the current workarea. (Graham D. McKechnie) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NWFINF.ZIP | Yes | 25520 | 5/18/1994 | NWFINF 1.00 is a C++ example to retrieve the file information and owner name for a file on a Netware v3.11+ file server. (David A. Mair) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OOLIFE.ZIP | Yes | 17779 | 5/25/1994 | Object Life is C source for an object implementation of the game of Life. (Richard K. Jr. Wellner) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OOSTRNG.ZIP | Yes | 4232 | 3/29/1992 | OOString Class 1.1 is a class to handle strings. (John Bernstein) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ORA_DATE.ZIP | Yes | 101275 | 3/1/1995 | Ora_Date is an Oracle date library for Oracle Pro*C users. (Chris Dipple) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PC_COMP.ZIP | Yes | 177245 | 10/16/1993 | Personal C Compiler is a fast, powerful C compiler. (C Ware Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
PC_JOVE.ZIP | Yes | 138577 | 10/15/1993 | PC-Jove is C source code for an EMACS-like editor. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PDSORT.ZIP | Yes | 35525 | 10/16/1993 | PDSort 3.1.0 is complete source code and executable for a file sorting program. (Don A. Williams) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PDXPP.ZIP | Yes | 7889 | 6/28/1990 | Paradox Class Libraries is a set of class definitions for accessing the Paradox Engine. (Gary B. Weinfurther) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PLAYVOC.ZIP | Yes | 113528 | 8/1/1994 | C++ Sounds Class for DOS 2.0 is a C++ class which accesses the digital sound processing chip without the use of a driver, utility software or environment variables that come as a package with most sound cards. (Stephen A. Edwards) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
PMW116.ZIP | Yes | 73617 | 4/17/1995 | PMODE For Watcom C/C++ 1.16 is a replacement for DOS/4GW, the default extender for Watcom C/C++. (Ryan Cramer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PORT_ZIP.ZIP | Yes | 380416 | 10/14/1993 | Portable Zip/Unzip is the C source for a Zip and Unzip compatible with PKZIP 1.93. (Mark Adler) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PRIME2.ZIP | Yes | 11718 | 9/6/1992 | Prime2 contains C source for fast sieve and heap based prime searches. (L.I. Kirby) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PRNSTRM.ZIP | Yes | 9484 | 10/16/1993 | PrnStream 1.01 is a stream class that supports printer ports. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PROXY.ZIP | Yes | 113151 | 4/15/1994 | Proxy 1.4 is an interpreter for a rapid prototyping language with C-like syntax based on modeling software using data structures such as sets, maps, sequences, and objects. (Burt Leavenworth) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PVHC.ZIP | Yes | 46172 | 4/28/1994 | PolyVision Help Compiler 1.0 creates help files for C text-based programs. (PolyVision) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
QPRT_JF.ZIP | Yes | 8746 | 7/3/1989 | QPrint is a set of routines for quick screen printing for Turbo C. (Jeff R. Fontanesi) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
QSPRINT.C | No | 8068 | 2/20/1989 | QSprint is a quick printf() for OS/2 multi-threaded programs for Quick-C. (William B. McCormick) (Reg.Fee: $0-PD) |
QUICKEST.ZIP | Yes | 6788 | 10/16/1993 | Quickest Sort? is `C' code for a sorting routine that the author claims is the fastest he has found for sorting arrays of random numbers. (Ron Andrews) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RD_STK.ZIP | Yes | 43216 | 2/29/1992 | RD-STK 1.1 are routines to read the game port and to control the cursor. (Earle Cooley) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
RKEY31C.ZIP | Yes | 275132 | 6/23/1994 | RegKey for C/C++ 3.10 adds registration key support to your C and C++ programs. (Brian Pirie) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
RTC.ZIP | Yes | 28762 | 10/20/1994 | RTC contains descriptions of and code to access the MC146818 real time clock chip that's found in all ATs and compatibles. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RTEXP142.ZIP | Yes | 387913 | 5/5/1994 | RT-Expert 1.42 is a toolkit allowing programmers to integrate real-time expert system style rules into existing programs and decision support systems such as online advisory systems, data collection, processing, and display systems. (The Real-Time Intelligent Syst) (Reg.Fee: $57) |
RUKC110.ZIP | Yes | 393880 | 11/4/1994 | Ruckus/C 1.1 is a C sound toolkit for DOS programmers. (Cornel Huth) (Reg.Fee: $150) |
SAVPAR.ZIP | Yes | 3082 | 5/25/1994 | Save Parameters 1.03 will allow you to save data to your project's EXE files created with Borland and Turbo C/C++. (Douglas Peterson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCHDATE.C | No | 32278 | 7/29/1989 | Schon Date-Time is a set date-time handling functions. (SchnSoft) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCI.ZIP | Yes | 101576 | 10/16/1993 | SCI is a C language interpreter that includes a full-screen editor and trace facility. (Bob Brandt) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SCRLDLG.ZIP | Yes | 6081 | 10/21/1993 | ScrollDialog shows how to create a scrollable dialog in C++. (Patrick Reilly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SDATE.ZIP | Yes | 3140 | 6/18/1992 | Sdate is an illustration of searching on a date field using the CLOSESTRECORD parameter. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SEEKTST.ZIP | Yes | 26913 | 4/4/1989 | SeekTest is a program written in Turbo C to very accurately measure the seek time of a hard disk in "real world" terms by using BIOS interrupt services and a very high resolution timing methodology. (Ryle Design) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
SEFX.ZIP | Yes | 28008 | 10/16/1993 | Sefx 1.0 is a library that lets you add sound effects to your programs. (Bri Productions) (Reg.Fee: $27) |
SHUFFLC.ZIP | Yes | 13335 | 11/6/1991 | Shuffelc is a routine for shuffling and dealing a specified number of card hands of a specified number of cards. (W Howell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SML_100U.ZIP | Yes | 120698 | 2/2/1995 | String Manipulation Library 1.0.0. is a library which adds additional string manipulation functionality to C programming. (Dustin Puryear) (Reg.Fee: $33-73) |
SOUNDS.ZIP | Yes | 92220 | 1/20/1994 | Sound Class for C++ 1.0 contains the necessary functions to enable your C++ programs to output VOC format sound files through your SoundBlaster compatible sound card. (Stephen A. Edwards) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
STR.ZIP | Yes | 39844 | 4/21/1993 | STR 2.1 is an improved, general purpose STR class. (Roy S. Woll) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
STRFTIM.ZIP | Yes | 3577 | 8/28/1989 | Strftim is a routine to convert a time structure into a formatted string based on; the standard ANSI C function as described in K&R. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STRTOK.ZIP | Yes | 16794 | 10/16/1993 | StrTok are some C routines, text files and programs intended to demystify the "strtok" function. (Ed Keefe) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STRX.ZIP | Yes | 43181 | 5/26/1994 | strX 3.0 is an improved, general purpose STR class. (Woll2Woll Software) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
TCOMP.ZIP | Yes | 214257 | 10/17/1993 | TComp gives high-speed access to four of the most popular compression methods. (Chip Rabinowitz) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
TDAT11.ZIP | Yes | 26624 | 4/26/1995 | TDAT 1.1 is a library of procedures performing useful date and time functions for C and C++. (TechniLib Company) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
THRD1.ZIP | Yes | 4255 | 5/5/1994 | Thread1 is an example program illustrating threaded programming. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TIMEDAT.ZIP | Yes | 19348 | 5/9/1992 | TimeDate is the source code for two time and date manipulation classes. (John K. Humkey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TINY_WP.ZIP | Yes | 96920 | 10/16/1993 | Tiny Word Processor is the C source code for the Tiny Word Processor, and SmallCom, a communications program. (Al Stevens) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TSI_SNDS.ZIP | Yes | 19194 | 10/16/1993 | T.S.I. Sound Library lets you create the following sounds: a phaser, flying saucer, buzzer, a bomb dropping, a screech and more. (Reg.Fee: $10) |
TSORT.ZIP | Yes | 11548 | 10/16/1993 | TSort is a set of three sort routines implemented as templated C++ functions. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
UC_SND2.ZIP | Yes | 46072 | 10/16/1993 | Background Sound will allow you to create background sound in your programs. (David A. Miller) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
UNARJ.ZIP | Yes | 38644 | 1/19/1992 | UnArj 2.3 is C source for an archive extractor. (Robert K. Jung) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
UNZIP5.ZIP | Yes | 397944 | 8/30/1994 | UnZip Source 5.11 is the complete C source code for a program which can unarchive any file compressed by the PKZIP utility. (Info-ZIP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
USEFUL.ZIP | Yes | 9105 | 10/3/1994 | Useful.h is the C source code in header file format for menu routines and on-the-fly error checking. (Clive Galway) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VCNVT2.ZIP | Yes | 12421 | 10/26/1994 | VCNVT is for the voice file conversion from ZyXEL. (Lin Chinru) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VOCLIB.ZIP | Yes | 29113 | 4/13/1994 | VocLib 1.0 is a library that adds Sound Blaster VOC support to applications. (Geoff Friesen) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WEEKDAY.ZIP | Yes | 6891 | 6/25/1990 | Weekday 4.4q will give the day of the week for any date. (Jerry Wilson) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
WI_LIBC.ZIP | Yes | 16943 | 5/26/1991 | WI_LIBC is an indexing library for MSC and OS/2. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
WI_LIBT.ZIP | Yes | 17234 | 5/25/1991 | WI_LIBT is an indexing library for Turbo-C and OS/2. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
WOOP.ZIP | Yes | 25123 | 4/7/1990 | Window OOP is a window management library with pop-up prompts and menus. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
WSTR.ZIP | Yes | 28916 | 2/27/1993 | Wheaton Strings Library is a C++ string library. (Banana Programming) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
YACC.ZIP | Yes | 120297 | 10/16/1993 | YACC 1.0 remembers up to 1000 characters of the text that you copy or cut to the Windows Clipboard. (Ben Saladino) (Reg.Fee: $5) |